Get Resourceful

Holy hello, Batman! These are free?!

YES. Yes they are. Not all heroes wear capes. Some of us wear our partner’s sweatpants with holes in the bum for aerodynamic flow as we move around the house. Now scroll down and see what we’ve got for you!!


Start Here.

This one-sheeter is full of information about the region, as well as groups to join on Facebook for getting into film projects and gathering experience and demo reel material, photographers we love and recommend, and casting websites to create profiles on (ASAP)!


Self Tapes.

There are plenty of times we artists can get creative. But taking liberties with our self tapes, isn’t one of them. Download our insanely helpful SELF TAPING RESOURCE GUIDE and then hop in a workshop/class and put your skills to use! Thank us later in your Emmy speech.


The million dollar conundrum we’ve all found ourselves in at some point:

“How do I get: booked/signed/noticed when I don’t have a demo reel to submit because I haven’t been able to book anything, and/or haven’t received any of my material to even use, yet everything asks me for a demo reel that I can’t make if I can’t get work in the first place?!!!”


We’ve been there. And before you go banging your head on the wall, floor, or heavy metal concert, let us just say: we’ve found a solution:


We’ve pooled our resources in the film industry to bring our clients the opportunity to have a demo reel custom made that they can upload online, to their sites, submit to projects, find representation with, and more! And experience what it’s like to work on a production where YOU ARE THE STAR!! Click the button below to inquire and learn more!

AND, even better? Our clients can receive HEFTY DISCOUNTS on their total cost when you bundle your reel with a fellow actor looking to make one of their own! Do you have a friend, family member, significant other, or some cool stranger you met on the street that’s interested in getting a reel done too? PERFECT! You’ll both save at least 25-40% on your individual packages and get quality, professionally produced spots! And if you have no friends, we have PLENTY of clients in need of a solid scene partner for their own reel.