Nonverbal Auditioning Mini Lesson
Who loves nonverbal auditions, say AHHHHH....
That's what we thought. And that's why we decided our first digital MINI LESSON would be on everyone's favorite type of audition:
As an actor, nonverbal commercial auditions make up at least half, if not MORE, of your commercial auditioning career. And while you may be a solid charades contender, there is more to nonverbal commercials than meets the eye. And the camera.
In our 13-minute mini lesson, head coach Abi Esmena, walks you through a sample nonverbal audition and helps you breakdown the breakdown and find the breakdown in your auditioning technique.
And the best part? Our mini lessons are available for a solid sack of quarters!! or the equivalent to $10.
You will get a MP4 (464MB) file