
Formatting a Resume & Cover Letter as an ACTOR

As an actor, your resume/headshot is your business card; it's what gets your foot in the door for role consideration and can be your differentiating factor between you and another actor.  The old resume standards that we were taught growing are not the same for an entertainment resume.  

In this video, head coach, Abigail Esmena, walks you through a step by step guide to formatting your own resume, shows you a sample cover letter for when they're required, and the coolest part is - you get to submit your resume in for critique after watching the lesson so you can be sure your best foot (well, face) is forward when you submit to castings in the future!! 

**After download/viewing, email your resume to INFO@AuditionRoom513.com for your personal critique**

 You will get a MP4 (210MB) file