Teen Classes



TEENS Improv & Auditioning Weekly Drop In -

THURS. - 5:45-7p

A weekly drop-in acting class that gets your teen star primed and ready to conquer their auditions like the professionals we know they are! They'll learn the basics and on-camera essentials for building a successful career, improv skills, character work, how to read and breakdown audition sides, and more. Taught by AR513 Coaches. Classes subject to cancellation if 2+ students are not enrolled for that week’s class.

TEENS On-Camera Orientation/Beginner Skills

$175 - in studio

Join us for our once a month, 2-hour, On-Camera orientation of sorts for TEEN actors, newly signed or unsigned! Never hurts to start your on-camera training early! In this 2 hour workshop actors will learn on-camera basics that will be necessary for a successful career as an actor. We will work through improvisational work, technical necessities, learning how to work with scripts & audition sides, on-set behavior, casting call practice, and more! Taught by AR513 coaches-

Check with your agent for AGENCY AFFILIATE CODE